Sunnuntai 3.10.2021

Strength (load) 

Front squat clusters:

4 sets of 3-3-2.

:30s rest between sets. 3:00 min rest between rounds.

As heavy as form allows.

Lauantai 2.10.2021

Metcon (quality)

EMOM for 12 minutes of: 

3 Hang snatches + 3 OHS. *Use moderate weight.  

Perjantai 1.10.2021

Strength (load) 

Build up to a heavy set of 5 push press’ in 12 minutes. 

Then 4 sets of 5 @ -10-5kg. Rest 2:00 min between sets. 

Torstai 30.9.2021

Metcon (time)

4 Rounds for time:

10 Dual DB Swings 22,5/15kg

50 Double-unders

10 Front squats 70/50kg

50 Double-unders

Timecap: 15 minutes

Keskiviikko 29.9.2021

Metcon (quality)

EMOM for 40 minutes of:

1) 75 Double-unders 

2) 20/15 Calories row erg

3) 20/15 Calories bike erg

4) Rest

Tiistai 28.9.2021

Metcon (quality)

20 minutes for quality & minimum rest:

15 Box jumps 24/20”

12 CTB pull-ups

9 Deadlifts 125/85kg

*Goal is to go unbroken on each set so rest as needed. Aim for 4-6 Rounds. 

Maanantai 27.9.2021

Metcon (reps) 

5 Rounds, AMRAP each round:

AMRAP in 3 minutes of: 

5 Power cleans 60/40kg

10 Push-ups

15 Air squats

1:00 min rest between rounds

Sunnuntai 26.9.2021

Recovery workout

Lauantai 25.9.2021

Strength (load) 

Front squat clusters:

4 sets of 1-1-1-1-1. :20s rest between sets. 3:00 min rest between rounds.

As heavy as form allows. 

Perjantai 24.9.2021

Metcon (time) 

With partner, 4 rounds (each) for time: 

1000/800m row

Timecap: 30 minutes.