Keskiviikko 13.05.2015


HUOM! Intensiivi- ja SYKETTÄ liikuntajärjestön kursseilla olleet! Laittakaa Facebookissa pyyntö ryhmään CrossFit Kuopio niin pysytte lähes reaaliajassa mukana mitä lajin ympärillä tapahtuu.


AMRAP in 10 minutes of:

Row 300
ME Burpees

This workout is to be performed as a two person team. When 3-2-1-GO! is called, one partner starts to row and the other starts to perform burpees.

Score= total burpees performed by the team.

While incarcerated, Fletcher Tholin discovered CrossFit. Watch his rehabilitation in this eight-part series.

In Episode 1, we meet Tholin, learn how he found CrossFit and see his first workout at a CrossFit affiliate.

While in prison serving three years of a five-year sentence, he saw the 2012 Reebok CrossFit Games on ESPN. Intrigued, he started doing CrossFit and tried to research as much as possible. Though his resources were limited, he had some outside help from a friend’s sister.

“(She) would … occasionally write me letters and everything like that, and I told her about all my CrossFit things,” he says. “She was there whenever the bug first bit me. I’d write her and tell her my progress and how stoked I was about all this stuff.”

She helped him find resources and books, which led to Tholin’s accidentally purchasing a workout log book. Though disappointed it wasn’t a book about movement, he started logging all his workouts.

The CrossFit Journal — (

The CrossFit Games® – The Sport of Fitness™
The Fittest On Earth™

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